dvize black

dvize black

Dvize Folio Project: dvize.com (no longer live) Partner: Pixelstorm Outline: Our old website. Deliverables: Concept development and strategy Creative direction Project management Usability design Information design Interface design Identity and branding Graphic design...
dvize clouds

dvize clouds

Dvize Folio Project: dvize.com (no longer live) Outline: Our old website Deliverables: Concept development and strategy Creative direction Project management Usability design Information design Interface design Identity and branding Graphic design Template...
Exersite Templates

Exersite Templates

Client: LC Lifecorp and Dvize (2006) Project: Exersite website templates Project Partner: Pixelstorm Outline: Exersite and the Life9 brands were developed to supply websites and marketing services to the health and fitness industry. We produced a number of website...


Client: LC Lifecorp and Dvize (2006) Project: Exersite branding and website Project Partner: Pixelstorm Outline: Exersite and the Life9 brands were developed to supply websites and marketing services to the health and fitness industry. We offered the same services...


Client: LifeCorp (2006) Project: www.lclifecorp.com (no longer live) Challenge: To engage the target audience of health and fitness business owners in the less exiting aspects of their business: Finance, Technology, Sales and Marketing Management, Debt Recovery,...