City of Monash

Client: City of Monash

Project: Stormwater education brochures (2007). Two brochures communicating the impacts of residential and commercial pollution to the local water ways.

Project Manager: Shaper Group

Challenge: Research identified that pollutants were being washed down drains and sinks, with the majority coming from a strip of restaurants and assorted businesses and the remainder coming from residential. The multicultural area consisted of residents from diverse backgrounds and language groups with many speaking English as a second language. The brochures were part of a campaign that involved direct liaison with the identified businesses as well as distribution within the general area.

Solution: We produced pictorial based communication that would be more efficient in engaging the linguistically diverse target group. The brochure illustration shows an average business owner and an average homeowner and highlights the issues, then shows a direct link between their business and the waterways. We also provided solutions for alternatives to the behaviour in English and translated some sections into 3 languages.

Download the Pamphlet;
(2 page, 2.1 mb) monash-stormwater.pdf

Download the Pamphlet:
(2 page, 1.6 mb) monash-stormwater-fb.pdf


  • Creative direction
  • Project management
  • Information design
  • Graphic design
  • Illustration
  • Design to minimise impacts
  • Print management

City of Monash City of Monash City of Monash City of Monash